How a Law Student Broke My Car

WARNING!  It’s a long post.   So a few weeks ago, one of my best friends from High School, who is now in her final year of Law School, decided that she needed to escape snowy Minnesota for her Spring Break and visit me here in Louisiana. She, of course, asked me if she could…Read more How a Law Student Broke My Car

How An Asian Food Market Broke My Car

I think there should be a completely new category for my blog in regards to how I seem to always break my damn car. Since I’m kind of not working right now and waiting to hear back from the 30+ jobs I’ve applied for, I have figured out that the best way we can survive…Read more How An Asian Food Market Broke My Car

Four Years A Bride: The Finale

Haven’t read the other parts? Part I  Part II  Part III After I had totaled and flipped my car, my view on life completely changed. As I had stated in my last post, I was tired of being lonely.  I was tired of being strong.  I was tired of being so self-reliant.  Honestly, I was…Read more Four Years A Bride: The Finale

Living Dead in Dallas

Sorry Charlene Harris, but I think it was perfect to describe my trip to Dallas a few weeks ago. So shortly after I started my new job, my work told me that I needed to go to Dallas for a few days for training.  I figured why not, and went, because I wouldn’t be allowed…Read more Living Dead in Dallas